Wednesday, May 9, 2012

20 Months

 20 Months. I can't believe it. You are growing up so fast that I am scared to blink. You are such a gift to me in so many ways. I want to remember and savor every little new thing about you this month.
I want to remember how you hold my hand so tight as we walk around stores running errands.
I want to remember how you say, "oh." to every little thing I say to you.
How you call me "Momma" mostly, but "MommEY" when you are trying to butter me up.
How much you love water, and anyone who refills your cup.
How everything becomes a cell phone in your hands - grocery list, block, lego, etc.-and how you carry on long, involved conversations with Daddy on them with lots of "oh.s"
How you are always asking me to bake scones or cookies, and if I tell you I will later that day, how you remind me that I said I would over and over again. How you look at me with adoration when I take that cooking sheet out of the oven, and the way you relish my food makes me feel like the world's best baker.
How adorable you little pot belly is, and how I know you are full when your belly button becomes an outie. How you run around the house leading your body with your tummy. It makes me smile every single time.
How you think you are so funny when you tease your Daddy by calling him, "Old MANNN!" or "Mutt (Matt)." How you laugh at your own jokes just like your Dad does.
How you walk around the house with a book open singing, "Alleluia, Alleluia!"
How much you love tutus, hairbows, shoes, and baby legs. How at night when we pray before bed and go around saying what we want to thank Jesus for, Verity always thanks Jesus for you, her Gethey, and you always thank Jesus for your quack quack hair bow.
How motherly and gentle you are with your dolls. You speak to them so softly, rock them so slowly, and pat them so gently.
I love you so much my Rooney Roo. Thank you for being you!

1 comment:

  1. It's astonishing how fast she's growing up! Beautiful!!!
